Thursday, November 3, 2011


PS. 35:1-END

Ø Just like David, you need to use your mouth to cancel and correct every evil word from the enemy

Ø You must trust in the name of Jesus, because at that name every kneel must bow

Ø Trust in yourself that whatever you say concerning your husband must come to pass

Ø You must therefore stand in your place as helpmeet

Ø You are the one carrying the grace, anointing, glory, etc.

Ø Whatever the enemy says shall not come to pass concerning your husband

Ø The enemy will not rejoice over you in Jesus name

Ø Whatever evil altar that has been raised by the enemies, you need to raise God’s altar against it

Ø God will close the mouth of your enemy with shame in Jesus name

Ø The hands that set the trap, the trap will catch in Jesus name

Ø The hands that digged the pit, the pit will swallow in Jesus name

Ø Their plans will be in vain in Jesus name

Ps 95:11, Jer. 29:11

Ø You need to trust on God because he has good intentions towards you and your husband

Ø Lord, thank you for your word

Ø Father, help me top pray in Jesus name

Ø Lord, every evil mouth that has been assigned against my life, my husband, my children, the work of my hands, I cause those evil mouth to be silenced in Jesus name

Ø Lord, every evil mouth speaking disappointments, failure, shame, reproach, limitations, disgrace, against my husband, Father, silence them now in the name of Jesus

Ø Father, whatever is the device of the wicked against me, my husband, my children, the work of my hands, O Lord, frustrate them in the name of Jesus

Ø O Lord, as many that are plotting evil against  me, my husband, my home, this year, cause them to fail in the name of Jesus

Ø O Lord, as many that is digging pit for me, my husband, my home in this year, cause them to fail in the name of Jesus

Ø O Lord, as many that are setting evil trap for me, my husband, Father let them fall into that evil trap in the name of Jesus

Ø O Lord, every evil gathering against me, my husband, Father, arise and scatter them in the name of Jesus

Ps. 65:11
Ø Father, from today, I crown every word I have spoken with the blood of Jesus. So shall it be in Jesus name

Ø I decree, goodness, peace, prosperity, concerning me, my husband, my children, my home in the name of Jesus

Ø Thank God for answered prayers.

*Write out your prayer point and pray with this scripture (PS. 31-end) every midnight for 7days.

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