Thursday, February 10, 2011


v The man who loves God is the one who loves man
v The main pillar in relationship is love
v Love is an attitude
v It has no reservations, it gives all
v Love obeys instructions
v Love is humble

1 John 4: 7-17, 1 Corinth. 13:2-13, 1Pet 3: 4-6
v God wants us to exhibit a meek and quiet spirit.
v Argument will always open the door for evil

I enter into covenant with God that as from today “No more argument” in my marriage- (1 Peter 3:4-6).Refusing to argue is wisdom.

Settle it on your knees.

v Wisdom will tell you when to shut up.
v Accepting  your husband is accepting God
v Honoring  your husband is honoring God

Ø Lord, change me for good.
Ø Lord, let the grace of Esther be upon me
Ø Lord, put on me the Spirit of meekness and quietness
Ø God give me the heart of Sarah that revered her husband and honored him
Ø The spirit of argument you are sacked today in my life and marriage in Jesus name

Eph. 5:25-29

v Any man that doesn’t love his wife doesn’t love himself
v When a man still prefers any other person to his wife, he doesn’t love God, it means he is an enemy of God

Ø Lord, give my husband a heart for you so that you can fulfill your will in his life

v For them to love us we must first submit to God, then to submit to our husbands will not be difficult
v Submission is wisdom

Ø Father, give my husband a heart of love
Ø Father, give my husband a heart that is panting after you
Ø Lord, take away from his heart every strange thing (money, women, wine, friends etc) that may hinder him from loving you

v A man not walking in love is walking in disobedience

Ø Father, bring my husband under the influence of The Holy Ghost, as you did for Saul and the prodigal son. Any wrong step he takes from now  will result in  an encounter with you in the name of Jesus.

v When a man is under the influence of God, his glory is revealed.
v Satan knows that your husband has a great destiny to fulfill

Ø Lord, my husband must fulfill purpose,
Ø Lord, I decree an encounter of 360 degrees turn around for my husband to fulfill purpose
Ø When  your husband encounters God, you will have rest in your marriage

Ø Lord, I will not operate in the spirit of Delilah
Delilah did not have a genuine love for Samson

Ø Lord, my husband will not be destroyed in my hands
Ø Lord, I take grace to be like Abigail for my husband

v Abigail came in the gap for her husband in time of destruction
v When you take grace not to argue with your husband, you will understand the power of God through wisdom.

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